This woman, whose name is never given, first came to the coast to teach the first grade in Orcutt, California. This was the best position she had at the time, however, she figured that being the wife of an attorney in Santa Barbara was a better choice. She resigned from being a teacher and devoted all her time to being a mother. She had a boy and he was the greatest pleasure in her life. However this all changed when his father decided to leave for another woman. It is seven years later, she lies on the beach with a fever of 104 degrees with kidney distress. If it wasn’t for an 11 year old girl named Jennifer, she probably wouldn’t have lived. The girls family nursed the woman back to health and she was on the streets again. She discusses how there is a constant search for a more comfortable place to sleep, as going from a king size bed to sleeping on the ground can be hard to adjust too. She still had her elementary teaching certificate and three college degrees, however she couldn’t find a job due to her timidness and appearance. When her son was six she had her husband take the child as she thought it was in the child’s best interest. This was especially hard for her, crying herself to sleep every night for years. What she recalls on most about being homeless is the hunger, learning to live with that gnawing feeling in your stomach. Yet she says that she never begged for money or food. One day, as if things couldn’t get any worse, she was in the wrong place and someone kicked her. Her skull was cracked and she suffered a bad concussion. It took about a year and a half for the pain to go away. She ended up going through about 100 lawyers to finally make her divorce with the attorney final. While halfway across the country, she claims a miracle brought her back to Santa Barbara, her dance teacher asked her to house sit her home. She studied with many artists on an off for a couple of years and was able to get her educational superintendent license. She is currently a school administrator. She claims that her experience being homeless made her achieve the highest position in her career. Her only hope is that her story will help you think twice about the next homeless person you see. You never know, she could have 3 college degrees.

Our project is about homeless children and children with homeless parents. We want to inspire every voice to speak up for themselves. We wanted to educate those who don't think of this as a serious subject. For those who consider homeless people lazy or see them as people who aren't as important, let this bring to light the other side of their stories.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Anywhere from 700,000 to 2 million people are homeless, according to estimates of the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty. Look at these percentages of how homeless people get or make money, if they do get money at all. Some people find it hard to give money to homeless people because they are afraid that all they will buy is alcohol and drugs. Poverty can bring some struggles.
Cause && Effect
This website talks about the devastating facts of homelessness. It also lets us know how fast the homeless rate is going up. Trying to understand how homelessness can effect families is difficult if you are not in any situation like this, but once you realize the damage that can come of it, hopefully you can help to make a change.
Transition House - Providing shelter, housing and support services to Santa Barbara's Homeless Families.
Transition House is dedicated to the solution of family homelessness in the Santa Barbara community. Capable and motivated families with children are offered respectful, non-sectarian residential services and the life skills needed to alleviate their poverty, and to restore self-sufficiency and dignity.
In 1984, Transition House was created by volunteers from the Santa Barbara area who stepped forward to give food and shelter to their homeless neighbors. Transition House’s program is based on the understanding that the root cause of family homelessness is poverty. There may be other and varied contributing factors to homelessness, but underlying it is always poverty.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Inspiring stories of the homeless
If you would like to read some inspirational stories on homeless people and their families go to You might have a different perspective after you read their stories.
Homeless Kids Plentiful in Santa Maria Schools
"The Santa Maria Joint High School District, has 557 homeless kids in its student body of 7,641 pupils. That district’s Superintendent, Kathleen Pritchard, said 519 of these kids are “doubled-up,” 13 live in motels, 10 are in shelters, 9 in something called “not a standard residence” (probably a car). Five of the 557 are unsheltered, a.k.a. on the street."
Homelessness can interfere with children's education. Homelessness can also seperate families. According to in the year 2007, 23% of all homeless people were members of families with children.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Interview with “Jennifer Ray”, a woman raised with a homeless mother but with a bright future ahead.
What is your name?
Jennifer Ray
Where do you live?
Isla Vista, Santa Barbara, CA
When did your parent/parents become homeless?
It is hard because it was on and off but I would say 2009. Usually she finds a place and she lives there until she gets evicted.
How was it to grow up with a homeless parent/parents?
It was difficult because I always have to be worried about where I am going to live next.
Do you blame your parents for the situation?
No because my mom always, she always had me in her best interest.
Who took care of you when your parent/parents were unable?
My aunt, uncle and my cousin. I am fortuned to have people in my life that will always be there for me.
What is the reason for your parent/parents being homeless?
Financial issues.
Have they tried to change their situation?
Yes many times, my mom is currently going to Hawaii for a job offer.
How has the whole situation affected you?
Currently going to college because I don’t want to end up in the same situation as my mom, even though she inspired me to go to college.
How is your relationship today and in the past with your mom?
We have always had a good relationship; I just wish she had chosen a different path.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Homeless Children
Most children who become homeless leave home around the age 13. This is the story of Rebecca. When she was 12 she use to be abused by her father, and she also started using drugs to make her feel better at that time. Her father also used to beat her mother. By the time she was 14 Rebecca told her mom to chose between her or her father. Rebecca's mom chose the father so Rebecca left. If you would like to read more about her story, this is the link you should go to.
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